Welcome on Board!
Welcome to Health Privy. America's Foremost Health Journal where you can get privileged information and everything you need to know about breakthroughs in health and medicine from the foremost doctors and medical research centers around the world.
Check out our free Health and Wellness Reports, Wellness Courses, How to become a member, How to manage your account, and much more information.
From the Publisher's Desk...
It's great to have you joining us. My name is Kola Abraham.
I’m a certified coach and author. Over the years I've worked with and coached several students from all over the world.

My expertise includes science and faith-based personal development, health, and fitness advice in the following areas:
- Self Improvement
- Life Coaching
- Health Management
- Muscle Growth & Fat Loss
- Healthy Living & Meal Planning
- Gym Workouts & Bodybuilding
Personal Development doesn't have to be so difficult!
What you need are the right strategies and a few simple - but crucial - tips on how to get started and stay motivated. That's what I teach in my courses, on my blog, and in my books.
During the year 2020, I started to think about new approaches to teaching and mentoring. This thought gave birth to this cyberspace - Health Privy.
Weekly Health And Wellness Reports
Every Tuesday, you will receive the weekly newsletter in your email inbox. You will get the latest health and wellness information straight from my desk. You will also receive a monthly newsletter with news, ideas, and other worthy things.
For ALL subscribers, Health Privy is, and will remain, free forever. The site is advertisement-free, built for security from the ground up (using the wonderful Ghost). If you want to, you can read about the site's privacy policy by clicking here.
Premium Courses And Reports
Health Privy runs a rolling program of wellness courses and premium reports, available on-demand to all subscribers and added every 2 weeks. In addition, all subscribers are enrolled in our friendly community support group, where they can ask questions, get answers, share ideas, and collaborate with other subscribers.
If you upgrade to become a subscriber, you get access to all past and future courses, as well as premium reports. Premium reports and Course emails are announced and sent out bi-weekly throughout the year. The study materials include an introduction to the themes of the lesson, further reading, and questions for discussion within the community. Here's a sample lesson, for your perusal:
Managing your account
To manage your account, log in using the button at the top right of the screen. Once you are logged in, you'll see a purple icon avatar at the bottom right of the screen. Click the icon to edit/update your personal data (username and email address), choose a plan to subscribe, unsubscribe, upgrade, downgrade, and do everything you consider needful!
If you have any problems, get in touch or send a mail to support@healthprivy.com
For any further questions?
You can read through the frequently asked questions FAQ, or get in touch with us.